Monday, November 15, 2010

A Season

I haven't been online for more than about a half hour a week for the past month or so...This has been a difficult season for me and my family. There have been some wonderful memories and experiences, but at the end of the day, it's been difficult. Literally, at the end of the day it's been difficult because Jackson, myself (27 weeks pregnant as of yesterday), Belle, and Juliette have been living at my parent's place in a 10'x11' room. We have stayed with my parents for a little over 4 weeks now (in total it will be 5, we move back into our house this Saturday- woohoo!).

There's been very little "me time", but as the season of living at my parents' draws to a close I can't think of much more than God's faithfulness, blessing, and provision. We've had some quality time with my parents, my sisters (the two that live here), and my nephew. Jackson and I have remained connected and communicative through this time. Also, the girls haven't been too much out of a routine since the first week we moved here. In fact, Juliette has actually slept better at my parents' than she was before we moved from our own home.

I am very thankful for our family during this season and I am also ecstatic that we will be moving into our own place in a matter of days. Pictures of our "new place" to follow!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Happy First Birthday Juliette!


My sweet, graceful, playful daughter... I love you. You are so precious and have changed my life and many others. You turned one today so you've been out in this world for a year now. I can't remember life without you. I am praying that as you continue to grow, you will know God's love and grace. I feel SO blessed that I get to be your mom. You are so much fun. This year has been full of many struggles, changes, and celebrations. Throughout each and every moment, I have thanked God for your life. You are a delight. I love you, Juju Bee! Happy Birthday!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Happy Birthday Belle!


You are a treasure. Your sweet soul has already touched so many in wonderful ways. Since the day you were born you have lived life with your eyes wide open. I am praying that God uses your precious life to continue to touch and impact others for eternity. My prayer isn't that your life will be easy, or that you'll get all that you want... I pray that God will mold you, refine you, and draw you closer to His presence. I am asking God that He will fill you to overflowing with His joy and the knowledge of Him. My sweet baby girl, Happy Birthday!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Belle's Turning 4!

October 4, 2006... a day that forever changed my life.

October 2007... Belle playing at a local park as a toddler.

October 2008...
Belle dancing with her princess pinata at her 2nd birthday party.

October 2009... Belle's 3rd birthday party.

End of August 2010... Belle playing in Grammy and Papa's yard.

The past couple of months have been pretty emotional for me. It could be exaggerated by the fact that I'm 5 months pregnant... I've been thinking about how crazy it is that my baby girl is turning 4. She started preschool at the beginning of this month and I'm still not used to the fact that she's already attending preschool. Belle's sister, Juliette, is almost 1 and toddling around everywhere at this point. Time IS flying.

I can't begin to chronicle how this precious girl has impacted my life. So, I'll pick 4 ways that Belle has changed me for the better.

1. I know and love God more. I've definitely been (even more) faced with how selfish, fearful, and controlling I can be. Belle's birth and life have done nothing but draw me closer to Jesus.

2. I love Jackson more. I didn't think this possible, but seeing the love of my life as a father has given me a deeper love for my husband.

3. I became a teacher. I've always wanted to teach and thought, "I might do that sometime...". After Belle was born, it really pushed me to get my teaching credential and even finish my Masters in Education before her little sister was born.

4. I take care of me more. Having little ones is a "beautiful nightmare". I don't do all the things I did before little Belle came into my life, but having her has forced me to draw boundaries and protect her, my family, and myself.

Happy 4th Birthday Belle Elizabeth Alana Perdue (in 3 days)!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Happy 30th, Jax!... tomorrow.

Jackson's 30. I'm so proud of the leader, husband, father, teacher, and friend that he is. It seems like only a few years ago we were in our early 20's and dating/engaged. Well, since he's turning 30 (officially tomorrow, September 23rd) it's clearly been more than a few years. As we grow together (and our family grows :-)) my heart swells as I think about God's grace in my life and how Jackson was made to be my husband, and I his wife.

Here are 30 things about Jackson.... All of which I love.
1. He loves God. He has a heart and mind that seek after God. Ever since I've met him, I've only learned to love God more.
2. He's hilarious. His sense of humor can be self-deprecating and cynical, but he's super funny. Makes me laugh lots.
3. He's an amazing father. I'm in my 2nd trimester now, so I'm totally teary. As I think about how Jax loves his girls, I know he was meant to be a dad to 3 daughters.
4. He's faithful. In the little and small things... a man of great character.
5. He's geeky. In a good way. I love that I can ask him about anything computer-related.
6. He is a Fremont-native. Crazy. He was born a few miles from where we live and we grew up in the same town but didn't meet until we were 22.
7. He loves chocolate more than anyone I know. He's got me hooked on rich desserts now.
8. Jackson has a high capacity. He can do a ton of things well. I love that about him.
9. He's a phenomenal teacher. Although it's been recently that he earned his teaching credential, Jax has been a great teacher since we met. He's getting better every day...
10. He loves football. I'm pretty sure he likes it more than most guys that I know. Although I'm not too crazy about football, I love how much passion he has for the game. And how he creates fun football traditions in our home.
11. He's competitive. Enough said.
12. He's a good friend. While he doesn't get to spend the time he'd like to in this season of life, I see how much he loves his friends and blesses them when he can.
13. He's really smart. Sometimes I forget just how smart he is, but he's one of the brightest people I know... possibly the brightest.
14. He's resilient. Jax had some hard times growing up, but blossomed and persevered despite some rough years.
15. Jackson loves road trips.
16. Jackson doesn't want any pets. He's practical in that way.
17. He's 'with it'. Anytime I want to know more about a current event or what something means, I can ask Jax. 99 times out of 100 he knows the answer.
18. Jackson has a great family. Ours is great (of course :-)), but I'm referring to his parents, sister, and brother.
19. He is strong. Emotionally and physically. While he's not lifting with the body builders, I love that he can move anything I need him to.
20. Jackson's real first name is Jeremiah. Most of his old friends know this, but not sure if everyone does. It's funny, I've never seriously called him by his legal first name.
21. Perdue, our last name, means 'lost' in French.
22. Jackson does a superb job a grilling. Really, he's mastered his craft in the last few years.
23. He came down to visit me 17 times when we were dating/engaged long distance within the span of 10 months.
24. He's impacted and changed the lives of countless people.
25. He loves the outdoors and camping.
26. He doesn't take plastic film off new appliances or electronic devices so they can maintain their new look. He also does not bend book covers or pages on books.
27. He's handsome.
28. Jackson is a great leader.
29. He gave me the best (physical) present I've ever received... a photo book for our 5 year anniversary.
30. He's the best husband in the world. Cheesy, but true.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Pictures of Perdue Summer Fun in August

Jackson and Belle Tubing

Perdue Girls in Lake Folsom
Juliette Cruisin'

Belle wanting to swim more...
Oakland Zoo MOPS Play Date

Ardenwood Farm
Ardenwood Farm

National Night Out at Crossroads

Dave and Megan's Wedding

Perdue Girls at the Park

Belle at the Park

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I Love the New Mrs. Perdue!

I didn't get my hair cut or change anything about me,... actually, there is a new Mrs. Perdue-- Mrs. Megan Rose Wadkins Perdue. I'm super excited to have another awesome sister-in-law. She loves Dave so well and it will be neat to see them grow together through the years. Their wedding was wonderful. Megan is a great auntie (or "Tati Negan"), she is really fun to be around, and I love that she can make things silly and also really get to know someone all at once. Also, today happens to be Megan's birthday. I'm so glad she was born. Happy Birthday, Megan!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Modern Day Miracle

We often hear people say, "It's a miracle!" and we may or may not be impacted by those words depending on how we view life or whether or not the event seems that miraculous to us. That being said, I truly believe that the fact that I'm pregnant right now with our third child is a miracle. Life, getting pregnant, is a miracle. So I will call this pregnancy a 'true miracle'.

When Juliette was 3 months old the idea of trying for a third baby came to mind. Juliette is a very easy-going baby, but this is pretty huge regardless of any baby's temperament. When I say it came to mind, I mean that the Holy Spirit (God) put the idea in my mind. I specifically thought (I believe God impressed this in my mind) to try for another baby in May. For any of you that know our current situation, Jackson is a first year (now, going to be second year teacher). We are blessed in so many ways, but having a third baby is so far off of our budget we still don't know how it's all going to come together. At the time, we had no idea if he'd have his job for this upcoming school year. We also had a rough season when Juliette was first born (flea infestation, sickness, Jackson being a first year teacher, etc.) I immediately prayed and thought that there would have to be some big "signs" for this to happen. I eventually told Jackson and he did not have any desire to move forward with this plan. He promised to pray about it, but had no similar thoughts or promptings. As time passed, when we talked about it, we would say, "Okay, maybe if Jackson gets his job for this next school year, that's a big sign" (him getting a teaching job in this current economy is a pretty huge deal).

The day after we found out that Jackson got his job for this upcoming school year, Belle came up to me and said, "Mommy, God wants another baby in your tummy. He just does". I raced to the office to grab a camcorder and the minute I came back, she was making silly faces and the moment had clearly passed. Another day, I made a huge list of the reasons why we shouldn't try to have a baby (this is a very long list) and the reasons why we should (2 reasons-- 1. The joy of another life and 2. I believe God told me to). When Belle woke up from her nap, she told me (right after I made this pro and con list), "God wants you to have another baby in your tummy. He has His own reasons".

Jackson and I continued to pray about this crazy notion which seemed/seems insane to us, but we were still hesitant. What if Jackson doesn't get his job for the next school year? We're tired now, what will it be like with 3 kids (2 of them being 16 months apart)? Do we even want 3 kids?May came and as the baby-making-time (I know no better way to write this, sorry for those of you that are cringing right now) drew near, we basically decided that there's no way we could do this. Then, God changed Jackson's mind. Literally, the day that was the 'first trying day'. Jackson came home, and said, "God basically put the same idea in my mind. More than that, I feel I'd be disobedient if we didn't try. I feel insane, but I know this is what we are supposed to do". We are so glad we chose to 'obey' and listen to what we were hearing. I'm a little over 8 weeks pregnant now. So, 16 days after the day Jackson was "on board" we found out... I'm pregnant!

I share this story with you for one reason only. To give God glory. I feel humbled and honored that God chose us to be Belle and Juliette's parents. More so, that he chose for us to have yet another one to nurture and grow. We have so many dear friends that long to get pregnant and struggle with infertility and I do not write this to tout of our fertility or even suggest that we are superior because we 'heard God and it came true', because babies are God's miracle and regardless of whether or not a couple is fertile, not too many people try and get pregnant in the first month (especially if it's not a timed, every day- sorry again for the details- type of thing). If you're reading this, and you know God, I encourage you to live by His Spirit and ask His Spirit to guide you and the big and small decisions of your life. If you don't know God, and want to know Him more, I'd love to talk to you about how you can. Send me a message. Or, you can read this: South Bay Church's Core Beliefs.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Belle's Soccer Camp

Belle has been participating in a week long soccer camp that started on Monday. It's been... interesting. Day 1, she kept asking if the side line was the goal. Day 2, she met a friend. Day 3, she and friend had even more fun together. Day 4, she is still running around with her friend while the coach (in a really cool British accent) yells, "Guuurls!" (read 'girls' in a cool British accent). She's learned some "cool tricks" as she describes her new soccer move knowledge, but she mostly enjoys playing tag with her friend and kicking the ball around aimlessly. I've reminded Belle to mind her coach which she is doing more, but at the end of the day, I'm happy she's making friends and that she's getting some exposure to sports. Today, Day 4, she seemed to be understand a little bit more. I love my little guuurl.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Father's Day Surprise

If you know me well, you know it's SUPER hard for me to keep any type of surprise... especially if it's a gift. For Father's Day this year, I took the girls (and AJ my nephew came!) to get their pictures taken and we made a surprise frame layout (6 pictures of the girls) for Jackson. Also, both grandpas are getting some of the pictures for Dad's Day... We gave Jackson the frame this morning (couldn't wait). Great gifts for amazing dads.

Monday, June 14, 2010

The Pictures....

So, I still need to order prints, but here are some of the pictures from our trip to Anaheim... Enjoy!

Belle going to Minnie's House...

We had fun seeing the Klings... we spent a day as families on Tuesday and I went up to visit Sarah and her boys for the afternoon on Wednesday. Here's a picture of Sarah and I:
Belle and her cousin, Ashley. They got their faces painted at Disneyland!
Jackson and I... our first trip to Disneyland together. To quote Jackson, "Disneyland IS 1000x more fun as a parent than it was as a kid".
Belle met Cinderella (and Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Belle, and Ariel) at Ariel's Grotto.
Juliette's first pool experience...
Here we are on the Nemo ride. Juliette rode on this ride, the Buzz Lightyear ride, and It's a Small World...
California Adventure!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

It's June!?!?

As you can see, I've taken quite a break in blogging... well, a break from this year's blogging that is. I'm not quite sure when or how I'll post all the blogs that I have been thinking of, but here's what I have for now:

- May Madness- May was an insane month for the Perdues. We had a ton of celebrations- a bridal shower, 2 birthday parties, 2 baby showers, a wedding, a retirement party, and 3 graduations to cap the end of that crazy party train. I may or may not post pictures at some point...

- Juliette has about 6-7 teeth AND she did one little crawl on June 4th... :-)

- We had a wonderful vacation- we just got back last night. 6 days and 6 nights in Anaheim, CA. 2 Days at Disneyland. Lots of Daddy and Belle pool time. We got to see our good friends that moved to Glendale 2 years ago- The Kling Fam. We spent a day with Jackson's sister's family and a couple of days with my family. Wonderful memories. More pictures to come of this for sure...

- I'm going back to work! Well, part-time and only for 4 weeks, but man I feel so blessed I am a stay-at-home mom otherwise. I'll be teaching a few periods for 2 sessions at the local junior college for 4-8 graders.

- Last, but certainly not least, my mother-in-law is moving in with us. This will be a big change, but we know that God is at the center of it and we wouldn't be able to make the transition without him.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

My Favorite Teacher

Yesterday, I had the privilege of attending Alta Vista High School's graduation (this is where Jackson works, a continuation school in Mountain View-Los Altos). It was amazing. Definitely the best graduation I've ever been to. Each student briefly shared their testimony of how they ended up at the school, and every single student had nothing but praise for the school and the school staff. Many of course shared how they might have been tough to handle, etc., but the overall tone of triumph and grace was one I've never experienced at any graduation I've attended.

Jackson is a phenomenal husband, father, and friend. I already knew he was an exceptional teacher, but it sure was great to hear about it and see living proof yesterday... Congrats on your first full year of teaching, Jax. Here's to MANY more at Alta Vista, God willing.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Home is Where the Heart Is

I feel so blessed to be a stay-at-home mom. In this economy, in this area, and in 2010... it's a privilege to be able to stay home with a family to support. Jackson and I make sacrifices and get creative, but we make it happen. God has made it happen to be more exact. I dreamed of staying home since the day (January 14, 2006) I found out I was pregnant with Belle... on the extra crazy days at home I remind myself that there's no other place I'd rather be. Today wasn't an extra crazy day; nor was it an extra super day. It was an ordinary day where I was reminded of how awesome it is to be me... at home with my girls.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Travelin' Mama

So, as you can see from my previous post, I made a quick jaunt to Colorado last weekend. It was wonderful. I missed Jackson and my girls tremendously. Next weekend, I'm going on yet ANOTHER trip. I have the privilege of spending the weekend in San Diego (El Cajon to be exact) with my BF from college and matron of honor, Lindsey. I am stoked. The more I think about the trip, the more I think about (1) how much fun I'll have and (2)just how much I'll miss Jackson, Belle, and Juliette. Since Belle's been born, Jackson and I made time to go on dates and we even got away for the night a handful of times. We still go on dates... we've been on a lot since Juliette was born thanks to wonderful family and friends, but I haven't gone away solo like this for at least 4 years. Just the other day, I got a MOPS article in my inbox. I don't think it's a coincidence. As a wife and mom, I'm constantly pouring out energy to my family. I love it and I believe I was made to do just that. During this season, I'm realizing that in order to be the best wife and mom I can be, I also need to pour into myself. Believe it or not, that message is still sinking in... More than just taking time out to journal, read, and do things that invest in me, I also need to connect with friends and refresh myself so that I can continue to grow into the woman that God's made me to be. I know this isn't anything new, but I'm excited to be learning this and actually allowing myself to get away. I'll be at boarding a Southwest airplane this time next week to head to San Diego.... Crazy.