Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Today's Lesson and Books I'm Reading

I read Psalm 91 today and was impressed by Moses' prayer. Verse 2 reads, "I will say of the Lord, 'He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust'." This resonates with me. Is God my refuge? Meaning, do I go to Him for shelter when I need a place to rest? Is He my fortress? Do I let Him protect me and go to Him when I need protection? Do I trust Him?

Books I'm reading right now:
- The Birth Order Book by Kevin Leman (thanks to a recommendation by Mandy)
- The New Strong Willed Child by James Dobson

I'm almost done with the Birth Order Book and will write some thoughts on the book very soon. I just started The New Strong Willed Child and must say-- I'm not so sure I have a strong willed child. Belle has a very strong will, make no mistake, but from what I've read so far, she does comply (eventually, but much sooner than some of the 'youngsters' Dobson describes). Belle has a BEAUTIFUL spirit, and while she is determined, I'm wondering if it's just typical 3 year-old gumption. Anyhow, I am enjoying both books. I want to read and learn as much as I can to help Belle and Juliette thrive and grow into the amazing ladies I know they both will be.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Tender Mercy for This Mom's Soul

Today, I shared about a book I've read (two times now) at MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers). The book, Tender Mercy for a Mother's Soul by Angela Thomas Guffey, has had a profound impact in my spiritual journey and this current season of motherhood.

Why do I love this book?

The author, Angela Guffey, is honest, authentic, and down to earth. Also, she's a mom of four kids within 7 years. When I read that, I thought, "Okay, this lady knows what she's saying if she's taking care of a home, a hubby, AND four kids". She shares about her regret of not walking with Christ intimately for some years of her adult life, and reveals the triumph and blessing of being completely empty so that she can be filled by the only thing that can really fill our empty souls-- Jesus.

Some ideas that impressed me:

- We take "Little indulgences. Little attempts to feed the Spirit that hungers inside of each of us" (p. 30).
- Jesus is the only answer for your empty soul (p. 48).
- Where do I put my empty cup to be filled?
"... I absolutely refuse to settle for a shadowy version of the life God intended" (p. 26).

How have I changed from reading this book?

First, what I shared today with fellow MOPS Moms and what I know needs to be said is that this book is a great thing to read, but the most important thing to read is the Bible. This book points to that- God's Word is what can fill us up and meet our every need.

This book ignited my passion for Jesus, pursuing Him relentlessly, and not settling for an empty soul. Some of you may have read my post about the fleas and how I felt closer to God. Well, this book is what I read when I prayed, "God, do whatever it takes for me to thirst for you. Whatever it takes".

I'm really enjoying MOPS, and intend to read more books that will make me more like Jesus, a better wife, mom and person. Stay tuned.