Saturday, August 21, 2010

Pictures of Perdue Summer Fun in August

Jackson and Belle Tubing

Perdue Girls in Lake Folsom
Juliette Cruisin'

Belle wanting to swim more...
Oakland Zoo MOPS Play Date

Ardenwood Farm
Ardenwood Farm

National Night Out at Crossroads

Dave and Megan's Wedding

Perdue Girls at the Park

Belle at the Park

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I Love the New Mrs. Perdue!

I didn't get my hair cut or change anything about me,... actually, there is a new Mrs. Perdue-- Mrs. Megan Rose Wadkins Perdue. I'm super excited to have another awesome sister-in-law. She loves Dave so well and it will be neat to see them grow together through the years. Their wedding was wonderful. Megan is a great auntie (or "Tati Negan"), she is really fun to be around, and I love that she can make things silly and also really get to know someone all at once. Also, today happens to be Megan's birthday. I'm so glad she was born. Happy Birthday, Megan!