Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Today's Lesson and Books I'm Reading

I read Psalm 91 today and was impressed by Moses' prayer. Verse 2 reads, "I will say of the Lord, 'He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust'." This resonates with me. Is God my refuge? Meaning, do I go to Him for shelter when I need a place to rest? Is He my fortress? Do I let Him protect me and go to Him when I need protection? Do I trust Him?

Books I'm reading right now:
- The Birth Order Book by Kevin Leman (thanks to a recommendation by Mandy)
- The New Strong Willed Child by James Dobson

I'm almost done with the Birth Order Book and will write some thoughts on the book very soon. I just started The New Strong Willed Child and must say-- I'm not so sure I have a strong willed child. Belle has a very strong will, make no mistake, but from what I've read so far, she does comply (eventually, but much sooner than some of the 'youngsters' Dobson describes). Belle has a BEAUTIFUL spirit, and while she is determined, I'm wondering if it's just typical 3 year-old gumption. Anyhow, I am enjoying both books. I want to read and learn as much as I can to help Belle and Juliette thrive and grow into the amazing ladies I know they both will be.

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