Thursday, March 18, 2010

Juliette Grace

We're having Juliette dedicated at church on Mother's Day. She's already 5 months... by May, she'll be 7 months. I can't remember life without her, but I also can't believe she's been outside of me for about half of a year. Here's what's happening with Baby J:
- She's working on sitting by herself
- She loves to jump and constantly tries to stand
- At her last check up in February, she weighed 16 lbs. 6 oz.
- She's around 26 inches
- Belle is her hero (she constantly wants to be around her, see her, etc.)
- Her eyes are still blue
- Her hair looks crazy (semi-toupe, see picture)
- She's just starting to eat rice cereal (it's been offered to her for over a month)... she'll be trying new food (bananas? pears?) this week
- She loves baths
- She laughs out loud when you tickle her (and she laughed pretty hard when Belle was doing some silly antics yesterday)
- Something Jax and I say often, "She doesn't ask for much..."
- She's allowed me to know more of God's love and grace

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