I met my master teacher on Monday of this week. We started Staff Development Days yesterday. I am getting so excited to meet the third graders that will be walking through Mr. C's and my door (I'm even going to have a sign on the door that says, "Mrs. Perdue"- yes!) on September 3rd. Staff Development Days have been interesting. There's a lot I'm learning and excited about. There's also a bit of tedious tasks and discussions that seem pointless. All of the staff have been really welcoming and helpful, and my fears of being the outsider 'new-kid-on-the-block' are quickly dissipating. As I have been sitting in the meetings and trying to take everything in, I keep thinking to myself, "Why did I not do this four years ago!?!?". Well, it may have been something more like three or two and a half years ago, but still... I have really found something that I love, I'm really good at (well, will be eventually :-)), and will provide for my family. I am on information-overload, but one of the biggest things I've seen at these staff in-service days is the importance of parent involvement. My mom always helped in my classes and my parents were always advocates for my education. Not every kid has that. I of course can't give names or full details, but my heart broke when I saw that one student was absent for almost half of the entire school year last year. The notes indicated that the parents were not involved and did not take the child's education seriously. Parent involvement is key. I will be 110% involved in Belle's education. Moreover, I want to try to reach those parents and students that don't understand this crucial element or just don't care. I'm not fully sure how to do this... I have some ideas. I also realize that reaching each and every person is not realistic. I will make a difference in many people's lives.