Sunday, September 21, 2008

Teaching and Parenting

First off, I definitely want to teach 3rd grade now. I've been in my current teaching placement for 13 days as of this past Friday, and I LOVE it. Not just like, "Yea, kids are cool... teaching is great". More like, "I am enthralled by teaching and all it entails- I want to be the best teacher I can be" type deal. To date, I've received encouraging feedback such as "You have the teaching gene... You're a natural...You could teach your own class right now". I share this not to toot my horn, well maybe a little tooting is happening in this post, but I am trying to emphasize how much I love what I do and how I love being good at what I do. I am saddened that I only have 6 weeks (yes Jackson, 6.0 weeks) left with my third graders until my next placement.

Teaching makes me a better parent. Parenting, I believe, makes me a better teacher. Belle and I have been to the library about 5 times since I've started teaching because I actually have time to go to the library before the evening routine begins. She is semi-obsessed with the library and can identify the public building about a quarter mile away. Also, I have more energy to invest in and be consistent with my precious daughter. All in all, I love that what I do on a daily basis (as a teacher and a parent)and that is makes a positive difference and is fulfilling.

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