Sunday, March 4, 2007

Carpe Diem!

I love God. I want to know Him more, spend more time with Him, and live a life where people want to know God because they know me. I say that He's 'number one' in my life, but when it comes to spending time with Him every day, it doesn't happen. Sure, I talk to God throughout the day, but that discipline of reading often slips through my day planner and onto "tomorrow".... Here's a quote that I LOVE and want to remember every day.

O, begin! Fix some part of every day for private exercises... Whether you like it or no, read and pray daily. It is your life; there is no other way: else you will be a trifler all your days... Do justice to your own soul; give it time and means to grow. Do not starve yourself any longer.

- John Wesley

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