Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year!

 2012 has been filled with some pretty spectacular memories.   Our family went to Disneyland during "Ski Week" in February.

April started off with Papa Jon and Grammy Dori tying the knot.  We've had so many special memories with them and all of our extended family this year. (In Old Town Sac before Uncle Jeff's 40th birthday during September here).
 We counseled and saw the beautiful wedding (in May) of our dear friends Kirstin and Micah Rodrigues.

 During August we were able to get away to Windsor (Nor Cal) to spend some fun days by the pool with the Cornelio Ohana.

Later in August, Jackson and I got away for the weekend to Pismo Beach as I stood in my childhood best friend's (Kerensa) wedding and we simultaneously celebrated our 8 year anniversary (July 10th).
We've spent countless hours with our dear friends, neighbors, and family. Yvonne (pictured with Fiona here) has been a regular at the Perdue home.  We love that.

 We've seen Belle flourishing academically, socially, and spiritually.
 Our three girls have grown right before our eyes... their bonding has amazed us.

Juliette has brought so much fun to our family.  Her active body and imagination make every moment full of life. 

Fiona is filled with personality and she's a precious one at that- it's amazing to think of how God miraculously brought her into our family.
Most days haven't been full of total smiles, but as I reflect on this year I can say with confidence that we are blessed.  God loves and is working with this imperfect family.  For that I'm grateful.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Look Out World I'm (Juliette) 3!

Dear Juliette,

You are so much stinkin' fun... Just today at your dentist appointment, you told the hygienist  "Watch this!" in the middle of your X-Rays and you crossed your eyes quickly and put them back straight and flashed your precocious grin.

God has given you so many gifts... you are bright, sweet, active (you started swinging at age 2), and a total delight. YOU are God's gift to us and those whose lives you touch.

 There are many days where your energy amazes me (and gets best of me).  I wouldn't trade it for the world.  You keep teaching me about grace.  This last year you have learned so much.  How to scooter.  How to meet friends. How to sing your ABCs. How to use the potty.  The list goes on.  While you have learned an exhaustive list of practical and not so practical skills... you have taught me so much more.

I love birthday time.  It's a time to really sit and remember what a precious gift you are to me.  I pray that more than anything, you really get God's extravagant, crazy, radical grace. Juliette Grace Meleana Perdue- Happy 3rd Birthday.  I can't wait to see what we learn about this year.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Happy Birthday Belle!


I am in awe of who you are becoming...

I feel so privileged to be your mom.

My life has been radically transformed since the day you came into my life. 

God has used your life (He still is) to teach me and many others about how great and good He is.

I love how God made you.  You're persistent, ambitious, creative, beautiful, and absolutely one of a kind.

I can't imagine life without you, Belle.

It is my prayer that God will use your life in powerful and incredible ways. I can't wait to see the girl and woman that you are becoming.  And in the same breath, I can't imagine you growing up. Happy 6th Birthday Belle!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday Fiona!

My precious Fiona,

Words will never be able to capture the love and awe that I have for you. God has blessed us beyond our wildest dreams with your life. You are so joyful. I love that about you. I pray that your joy grows as you know and begin to understand the incredible love that God has for you. You are sweet. Truly. Your temperament from day one has been that of an angel, and for that we are grateful. Regardless of how you act, the choices you make, and the things you do... you will always be loved. You can't do anything to earn love or grace, it's just there.

Happy Birthday Noni Bear! I can't wait to celebrate so many more with you.

