that I thought was so far away. Belle Elizabeth Alana Perdue had her first day of Kindergarten.

It doesn't feel like too long ago, that I was waiting for our sweet daughter to join us. We had so many hopes and dreams for her. Mostly, that she would know she is loved and that her life has a purpose.

Life has never been the same since Belle came into this world. Being new parents, rocked us to the core. God has given Belle such a strong spirit, and we're glad for that. Nevertheless, we were quickly aware of our desperate need for God with this little one.

She has never been short on smiles. Or words.
Her curiosity delights us.

She will always be our warrior princess.
Today was the day that I sent my first daughter to Kindergarten. I didn't cry. I might later. For now, I know this is exactly where she is supposed to be and I am thrilled to see her grow and thrive in this new environment. Jackson took the day off and we had an awesome time connecting with other parents and seeing Belle enjoy this new season. Belle had an amazing first day. She didn't want to leave. In fact, she wanted to go back when we got home (Kindergarten is 3 hours here in Fremont). This marks a new season for our family. Here we go!