Almost. It is still sinking in that our first born is heading to Kindergarten in a couple of months. She promoted from preschool today. We had a lot of partying today. Special breakfast. Promotion ceremony with family and friends in the audience. Belle's lunch of choice with some family to love on her and celebrate her promo.
I want to take a moment to reflect on some significant things that have happened over the course of Belle's preschool experience.
1. She made some good friends. Belle has connected with other kiddos well and that's been neat to see. She also seemed to form friendships with kids whose parents I happened to really enjoy getting to know. Even better.
2. Belle did more art than I thought possible. Certainly more than she'd ever do at home with me.
3. She learned more about character development this year. To honor Belle's privacy, I will not share details. There was a specific incidence this year where Belle didn't make a good choice. In fact, it was a bad choice. At her preschool, she learned how to correct that in a way we believe God would want her to handle it AND the teachers and staff at her preschool were super supportive and really helped facilitate character growth and showed Belle grace.
3. She learned more about character development this year. To honor Belle's privacy, I will not share details. There was a specific incidence this year where Belle didn't make a good choice. In fact, it was a bad choice. At her preschool, she learned how to correct that in a way we believe God would want her to handle it AND the teachers and staff at her preschool were super supportive and really helped facilitate character growth and showed Belle grace.
4. Last but not least, it was amazing to see Belle flourish and thrive in a learning environment outside of our home. We've received awesome feedback from her teachers and are so excited to watch and see how Belle Elizabeth Alana Perdue grows in her school years.
Ms. Kathy- one of the wonderful teachers that helped our treasure grow more into the warrior princess she is destined to be.
Her first diploma.
We gave Belle a really special necklace today. Jackson had purchased a necklace on a Mexico Missions trip almost 5 years ago to the day for Belle (while she was still in utero, it's really cute- it has a little flower and a rice grain with Belle's name and a heart on it).
Juliette was all about the little chairs set up for the 'graduates'. The most precious thing (aside from her- just look at how serious she is taking her job right now) is that she sat next to the chair Belle was going to sit in (labeled with Belle's name to Juliette's right). Oh man, Juliette will be sitting in one of these chairs sooner than later. Okay, we have a few years.
It is my prayer that this little girl will grow into all she is meant to be. Here we go!