Friday, December 4, 2009


Thanksgiving came and went and I didn't get a chance to write all that I'm thankful for... I could write a list a mile long, but I'll keep it to the top 5:
1. Jesus Christ- I am forever grateful that He saved me. For eternity, and also from living a life of self focus and emptiness.
2. Jackson Perdue- Jackson encourages me and loves me like no other man ever has or will. I love him and am better because of him.
3. My gorgeous daughters- I literally thank God every day if not multiple times a day for the gift of Belle and Juliette. They make my life more rich than I can imagine and fill my heart with an inexpressible joy.
4. Friends- God has blessed me with awesome friends. There is one friend in particular that God has used to fill me to overflowing. Lindsey Clark. Ever since we met, God has used Lindsey to sharpen me, encourage me, and fill my heart with happiness. Specifically, in this rough season Lindsey has helped Orkin miraculously get out to kill the fleas (she called Orkin while she was in a hotel room in Ohio because she saw Jackson put a message on Facebook and got Orkin to come out earlier than they told Jackson they could come out), she has sent me super encouraging emails, and just today she had Safeway deliver some fresh produce, antibacterial wipes, rice cakes, and other groceries that made me feel so blessed.
5. Family- I'm so grateful for the family that God gave me. In laws included!

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

And I'm thankful for YOU!!!