We just ordered a new book that I just can't wait to read... "Revolutionary Parenting". I heard the author of this book, George Barna, on the radio yesterday and believe that this book will be a great help and encouragement to me as a parent. Jackson, too. When Belle (and any other little Perdues that become a part of our family) grows up, I want her to be a spiritual champion. I long for her to love Christ and give her entire life to him. George said something profound that will stick with me. He said, "Before anything, we as parents need to love our kids into the presence of God". As it should be, I am reminded that it doesn't matter how much academic content Belle knows (let me tell you, it's already a lot at a mere 22 months- she knows concepts such as 'almost', 'backwards', and 'careful'!), how talented she is (the girl has rhythm and athleticism already), or what she does (I've already envisioned Belle being a leader among leaders)... She needs Christ.